Thursday, January 5, 2012

You Think You Need to Be a Doctor to Identify the Symptoms of Diabetes? Well, Think Again!

See What Happens When Your Blood Sugar Raises Out Of Control

The initial symptoms of diabetes are connected with the direct effects of high glycemia levels. The two most common types of diabetes have very analogous symptoms. When the blood sugar level rises higher than 160 mg/dL, glucose spills into the urine. When the level of glucose in the urine rises, the kidneys emit additional water to reduce the large amount of sugar.

As the kidneys generate excessive urine, diabetics urinate large volumes repeatedly (polyuria). The disproportionate urination creates atypical thirst (polydipsia). Excessive calories are gone in the urine, causing the diabetic to lose weight. To balance this, people with diabetes often feel excessively hungry. Other symptoms of diabetes include hazy vision, sleepiness, unsettled stomach, and decreased endurance while exercising.

Pay Attention: Type 1 Diabetes Symptoms Can Begin Suddenly

In people suffering from type 1 diabetes, the symptoms frequently begin suddenly and spectacularly. The so-called diabetic ketoacidosis may rapidly develop. With no insulin, most cells cannot make use of the glucose that is present in the blood. Cells still require energy to stay alive, so they toggle to a back-up mechanism to acquire energy. Fat cells start to break down, producing some substances called ketones. Ketones supply some energy to cells but in addition make the blood excessively acid (ketoacidosis).

The early symptoms of diabetes ketoacidosis consist of excessive urination and thirst, weight loss, queasiness, vomiting, tiredness, and pain in the belly. Breathing tends to turn deep and quick as the body tries to correct the blood's acidity. The breathing smells like nail polish remover, the odor of the ketones. Without the adequate management, diabetic ketoacidosis can step forward to coma and death, at times within not many hours.

Type 2 Diabetes Symptoms - Alert: They May Not Be So Obvious

Type 2 diabetics may not show any symptoms for years until they are diagnosed. Symptoms may not be so obvious. Augmented urination and thirst are mild initially and slowly but surely aggravate over weeks or months. Occasionally near the beginning stages of diabetes, the blood sugar level is unusually low, a condition called hypoglycemia. Sooner or later, people with hypoglycemia feel awfully fatigued, may become dehydrated and are likely to develop hazy vision.

Since people with type 2 diabetes generate some insulin, ketoacidosis does not habitually develop. Nevertheless, sometimes the blood sugar levels can become exceptionally high (beyond 1,000 mg/dL). Such high levels often take place as the outcome of some superimposed strain, such as a drug use or an infection. When the glycemia levels get very high, the diabetic may develop a harsh dehydration, which may lead to mental perplexity, sleepiness, and seizures, a sort of coma.

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